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Organic meat

Many of my friends wouldn't eat non organic food and have perception that it is bad to eat non organic foods (pesticides etc.). I know that there is no strong evidence proving this, but is there any other strong argument against this? Also, I have heard a lot of bad stuff about non organic meat, especially chicken - it is high in saturated fat, contains antibiotics, hormones etc. Could you clarify this please? Thanks!

Zinc supplementation in anemia of prematurity

Hi Danny! Paul Sharp talked about how it may be beneficial to supplement zinc with iron for anemia. Would this be helpful in cases of anemia of prematurity? We routinely give iron supplementation to prevent this but I’m wondering if the addition of zinc would also be beneficial to prevent anemia in preemie babies.

Mechanisms that Keeps Weight Stable

Most healthy individuals don’t eat precisely the number of calories they burn each day, often over eating a bit, yet weight stays stable. Apparently the body makes adjustments, even at a cellular level with ROS (?) metabolism. How does all that work, seems fascinating.


Hi Danny! Glyphosate and GMO foods remain controversial and a source of ‘food fear’ for many. Can you speak to the latest evidence we have on the actual consumption levels of glyphosate in a typical diet and if there is cause for concern at typical intake levels? Thank you for all you do!

Sweating from stimulants/caffeine

sorry if you guys answered this already although I didn't hear it on the last QNA. I find it very interesting when my caffeine consumption is higher than usual I notice I sweat under my arms more. what is this a sign of? Is it a bad thing that the body does it?