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NAFLD and the liver

Dietary interventions for patients with NAFLD or elevated transaminases independent of other LFT raising factors such as, hep C, cancers, or pharmacokinetic elevations from drugs like statins?

PCOS Pathophysiology & Phenotypes

In episode SNP9, Alan breifly mentions above and some diet strategies (e.g. energy frontloading). Would Alan tell us more about the Pathophysiology and Phenotypes of PCOS and perhaps how you could communicate this information to a lay person please?

Shifting perspectives

This is a two part question: 1) Are there any things that you've changed your mind about or had your position shift significantly on in the last year or two? Not even necessarily a reversal of position, but a significant change in credence on a topic would qualify. 2) Do you have any predictions about things you might change your mind about in the next year or two? Like, is there a perspective that you currently hold (and currently think is most likely), but where you expect certain evidence might emerge in the next year that would shift it significantly? Thanks as always for the amazing work you guys do.

Insulin Resistance and Intracellular lipid accumulation

Totally asking from a place of very limited knowledge, but is insulin resistance and perhaps resulting Type 2 Diabetes actually symptomatic of and caused by intracellular lipid accumulation in the liver and the muscle? Some big "plant-based proponents" share this as the reason for Type 2, is it a valid assertion? If so, why does this same issue not come up in discussions related to Keto high-fat diets, or is it even an issue related to Keto diets? Technically do people who are using Keto to lose weight generally remain insulin resistant and is it just masked due to lack of carb intake? What are the mechanisms at work here? What is the most effective way to regain insulin sensitivity, what protocol would you support?

Hormones affecting diet/cravings

There's not been much discussion about general women's health and nutrition in relation to hormone changes over the course of the cycle. I wonder whether there is any evidence in this field, how to support the body with nutrition over the course of the cycle or how they affect hunger, but also how to manage the intense cravings often rising before menstruation.