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Neuro-disease and food

Would there be any advice on foods/diet or supplements that applies specifically to neurological, neuroinflammatory or neurodegenerative diseases?

I'd love a look at the research on erythritol and vascular risk

Connective tissue disorders and diet

Is there any dietary pattern or even specific foods or supplements that helps with connective tissue regeneration or prevents excessive breakdown in diseases like EDS or other conditions where connective tissue is affected?

Nutrition for Strength and Recovery in Women

I’m curious about nutrition for strength and recovery, particularly in premenopausal women. There’s a lot of talk about protein requirements, source, and timing for MPS. While I find all this interesting, I imagine it overwhelmingly appeals to men, at least as far as the focus on muscle size is concerned. As a woman, I am more interested in strength gains and recovery for getting back to the next workout—not interested nearly as much in muscle bulk. I eat almost exclusively plant based, so it’s been encouraging to hear that the “plant vs. animal” debate is focusing on “the wrong question,” and that many plant foods do well for promoting MPS. But is there any evidence suggesting that certain foods or general dietary patterns are better or worse at promoting recovery between workouts?

keto diet for cancer patients

I'd love a comprehensive look at the evidence so far regarding keto diet during cancer treatment. Are there any types of cancers or types of treatment where such diet would make sense? Is there any reliable data so far or is the data so far to weak to have a real opinion?